• What's Gcode
  • Drawing software
  • Laserweb convert
  • Kiri:moto convert
What's Gcode

Cubiio X supports only G-code files, which makes the machine's operation more straightforward and intuitive. Therefore, users need to convert their image files and transfer Gcode files to Cubiio X through mSD card/USB cable.

G-code is commonly used in CNC processing. It is a text format that contains specific instructions to control the machine's movements and actions, such as cutting, engraving, drilling, positioning, and more. It is typically used in devices like 3D printers, CNC lathes, laser processing machines, etc.

Each G-code instruction starts with the letter "G," representing "geometry," followed by one or more numeric values that represent different operational parameters. For example, G1 represents linear interpolation, G2 and G3 represent circular interpolation, and M3 indicates the start of the spindle. These instructions guide the machine on how to move, rotate, stop, start, and more.

Drawing software

2D Drawing
There are many 2D drawing software options available, including professional paid software like Ai, CorelDRAW, Affinity Designer, etc. We also recommend using the free and open-source drawing software: Inkscape. With these software tools, you can create drawings and export them in various file formats such as DXF, JPG, SVG, and convert them to G-code using LaserWeb, Kiri:moto, or other methods.

3D Drawing
Most people are familiar with 3D drawing software that offers powerful drawing capabilities but come at a cost, such as SolidWorks, Creo, AutoCAD, etc. Users can also utilize Onshape, a free online drawing software. In the future, we will provide a simple tutorial on how to convert 3D files to G-code using Kiri:moto.

How to convert in LaserWeb

LaserWeb can convert vector files into G-code files. When converting, it's essential to set the environmental parameters to match Cubiio X requirements. This ensures that the generated G-code effectively controls the machine's movements.

Please refer to the video link below. Before operating, you can download the environmental parameters that have been tested by the Cubiio team to ensure that the generated G-code is compatible with Cubiio X.

How to convert files with Kiri:moto

Onshape, this free online open-source software, and Kiri:moto can be integrated through plugins, allowing users to draw in Onshape and export directly to Kiri:moto for slicing and file conversion.

For complete step-by-step instructions, please refer to the video link below. Before you begin, you can download the environment parameters that have been tested by the Cubiio team to ensure that the generated Gcode is compatible with Cubiio X. We also provide tools profile! 。

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